Six Flags Over Texas

This is my first post!!!I had a very hard time deciding which trip I should high light first and I finally decided on my most recent trip to Six Flags Over Texas. I felt like I could get this post up and running the fastest and then I could move on to more interesting and detailed trips. To see my other trips click here.

My latest trip was a fast and furious trip to Six Flags in Arlington, TX. Arlington is home to the Dallas Cowboys and the Texas Rangers. It is a bustling city with plenty to do and see. Since this was a fast trip with only one purpose we didn’t really get out on the town this go round.

The Park

If you are like me, tights are your best friend and you don’t go anywhere without them. Six Flags over Texas is the perfect place for you and your tights. We drove straight there from our home. It was about a four and a half hour drive, so tights and a t-shirt is what I wore for our first day at the park. I wore my Birkenstocks for the drive and on our first day at the park. We got to Six Flags at about 4:30 p.m. and they closed at 7:00 p.m.

Some would say that was a waste of time but I assure you it was not. We went on a Thursday and the lines were non existent. We were able to ride all the rides that we wanted . It was a very enjoyable day.

Food and Lodging

Next we checked into our hotel, which was an IHG hotel. That is who I am a member with and I like to earn points any time I can. I chose this particular hotel based on price, location and the fact that it had an indoor pool. There was a chance of rain and I knew the kids would want to swim.

We swam at the hotel and I have to admit, I was a little disappointed that there was no hot tub for the parents to relax in , but it was a blessing in disguise. It forced me to swim and play with my children and niece and nephew. Which as it turns out is much better than a relaxing soak in a hot tub.

We were all very tired from our day of travel and fun so going to sleep was a breeze. The beds were comfy and the selection of pillows was on point. I like a very soft flat pillow and my son prefers a firm fluffy one and they had the perfect pillow for both of us. Sleep is so important while traveling, or anytime really. So I’m always sure to book at a hotel with good beds.

After a good nights rest we started our next day with breakfast at the Waffle House. My kids favorite. The service is always good and the food is great to boot. It is a great value too. After breakfast we headed to six flags once again.

Day Two

We arrived to Six Flags about an hour before they opened. There were a few cars in line in front of us but not to many.

Parking and entrance to the park were a breeze. We are members at Six Flags and I washed and subsequently melted my members cups and the lady at member services replaced them for me free of charge, before the park even opened.

Even though the park was not open when we first entered we were able to ride a few rides in the Spain area of the park. We have found that they normally have this area open for those that arrive early.

After visiting Spain we waited for the Texas section to open so we could get in line for the Texas Giant and the Titan, first thing. This seemed to be a great plan, we did not have to wait in line to ride either of those rides.

Again we were able to ride all the rides we wanted before leaving the park at 6:00 to head back home. We did have to wait in a couple of lines, none longer than 20 minutes.

Even though it was for sure a quick trip, it was totally worth it. The weather was great and the company was even better. This was the perfect way to start our summer.

Six Flags over Texas Packing List and other links

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