About Me

Hello World!! I am here to help you plan your trip, but first lets get to know each other!

I am a 38 year old, wife and mother. I have a fabulous husband and two adorable children. We live in West Texas in the hometown of President George Bush!! It may not seem like much to some but to me it’s home.

I like being home but I I love to travel. I love travel with my family but I also like to take time out to travel with just my husband. We try to go on a couples trip at least once a year. I mean I love my kids but momma needs a break every once in a while.

I love my job, and by J.O.B., I mean raising my children! I get to do this and I am so very thankful. I homeschool my children and have for the past six years. I always tell my daughter that she got the raw end of the deal because I learned how to teach by teaching her. In turn, my son had a much better more experienced teacher! My daughter is twelve years old and my son is eight years old. I dreamed of a bigger family but God’s plans are better than mine.

Besides being a mom and wife I am also a photographer (that career is on hold until my kids are grown), an avid reader, a follower of Christ and a wanderer. I am not shy, maybe a little crazy at times and I definitely cry in movies.

I believe in the good in the world and I believe that good will always win against evil. I believe that God created this world for us to enjoy and to take care of. I believe that we never really have to grow up, I mean yeah we get bigger and have to be responsible but we can still see the world through the eyes of a child if we just try. After all you’re only as old as you think you are. I believe that love and kindness can change the world.

I am a free thinker. I encourage questioning what you are told and not taking anything for what it seems on the surface. No I am not a conspiracy theory person at all, but I do think that if someone can pull a fast one on you they will. I have a passion for helping people and serving others. That is really why I created this blog. It combines two things that I am very passionate about. Traveling and helping others.

For years I have been saying I need to start a blog. Every time I plan a trip I think why haven’t I started that blog yet… and the truth is I couldn’t come up with a good name that wasn’t already taken. I also thought why hasn’t someone else started a blog that helps short cut the planning to these destinations. There is no one stop shop for planning vacations and I think there should be so I’m gong to do my best to give you all the info on the destinations I have been to and that I am planning on going to. Planning can take days to weeks to even months depending on the trip you are taking. Most people do not have that kind of time. I really don’t either but I am going to do it so I might as well share my knowledge.

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